

Top 5 Employee Retention Strategies

Fair Compensation

Employees want to know that their job and their tasks completed are worth the money that they are making. This can be a huge issue as it could come off as the employee not being valued enough for what they are doing. Although most people may not speak on this issue in the moment as it is a sensitive subject, this is something that management should always be conscious of ahead of time in respect to the employee.

Positive Work Environment

Employees want to step into their work environment ready to produce. Productivity can be substantially hard in an “off” work environment. Management should strive to create and keep a healthy work culture for employees. Employers should want to get to know their employees as you don’t want to show that you aren’t interested in their lives rather than sales and profits.


Career Growth

Management should look to inspire and encourage their employees who are looking for ways to climb up the corporate ladder and expand their knowledge. Therefore, if they don’t see any way that they can improve with your company, they will look for other companies that will benefit their career growth.


Identify Top Performers

Find employees that show dedication towards high quality work and standards, good decision makers, desire for self-growth and good communication skills. Studies show that engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their current organization. Finding dedicated employees can be hard so once you realize that you have them, do what is necessary to keep them there and improve their work abilities.


Give Realistic Job Expectations

When an employee is hired at any position, they should have clear cut view of what their responsibilities are. Employees should have a general understanding of what they are entitled to in their position on a day to day basis. Unrealistic expectations lead to employee disappointment, frustration, dissatisfaction, ultimately the employee leaving the company.


No matter the industry, it is important to look after your employees and their well-being. Get feedback from your employees on how they feel about their position, the work environment and about the company. Be proactive in retaining your employees. Not all employees are staying for the money. Hopefully these tips can help grow your business and create strong willed employees.