
Career Advice

Top Qualities Employers Look for When Hiring

Knowing your strengths

New hires should know their capabilities. Be aware of what you’re good at and what you aren’t good at. Never be afraid to go into detail about what you’ve accomplished.

Employers are looking for someone who is confident in their abilities. Confident but not cocky. They want someone who is a pleasure to be around. Not a know-it-all who can never be stood corrected.

Be ambitious and know your path

Always be willing to take on new challenges and test yourself to go to new limits. Be open to learning new things and expanding your horizons. Employers are always looking for someone who is teachable. This means being able to take criticism and asking good questions.

Have personal goals set in mind and have a path or game plan that you want to follow for your career.

“Practice what you preach”

When an employer spots out “inaccuracies or “exaggerations” on a resume, they may take that as dishonesty. Be proactive in making sure that you are ready for any questions that are being thrown at you regarding your past employment experiences.

Good communication skills

Having good communication skills is crucial. You need to be able to not only communicate effectively but also be a good listener. Have good writing abilities and be able to organize and express your thoughts clearly. This goes for people inside and outside of the organization.

Adapt to the environment

As times are changing and evolving, employers want someone who is willing to change and adapt to the changing environments. Whether it be in a hectic, intimate or team setting, be open to change in routine and structure. Joining a new team means new adjustments as different teams have different ways of operation.

Positive attitude

Show that you are motivated and passionate about what you do. Attitude is a trait that all employers analyze. When circumstances aren’t in your favor, be willing to put in the extra work to get the job done. But it doesn’t stop there. Put in the effort with a positive and empowering attitude.