

How SAP HANA Improves Customer Experience (CX)

A Customer Experience Impact Record from Oracle claims that 86 percent of consumers will pay more for better customer experience. Moreover, 89 percent of consumers begin doing business with a competitor following a poor customer experience.

With CX (customer experience) playing a pivotal role in customer retention and business ROI, no businesses can afford to give it a second thought. Connecting customer data, machine learning technology, and microservices see how SAP C/4HANA-based CRM can help you improve customer experience, stay ahead of the competition and significantly reduce your operational expenses.

Offer Personalized Services

Creating target audiences, reading preferences and interests of customers and offering those services or products they would be interested in – SAP HANA helps you do all with perfection. Under the SAP Customer Activity Repository, collect multichannel customer and POS data for analysis to improve your demand forecasting.

Thus, with SAP HANA, have a precise demand forecasting to stay prepared with effective promotions and product assortments, drive customer acquisition and build a healthy relationship with your customers.

Build Comprehensive Self-Services

How often do you call your telecom services provider to know about the active data plan, data consumption or to update your email or address? Calling your bank or visiting it for getting things done is also a chore you wouldn’t want to do often.

Yes, that is what customers want. They want control over their service provider. SAP HANA helps companies build a comprehensive self-service platform, which your customers can easily access, control and enjoy.

It makes customer engagement happen across multiple channels and delivers a consistent brand experience to users. Use it to manage sales, services, marketing, retail or other customer-facing operations.

Gain Insights and Track Performance KPIs

Keep a tab on the performance measurement and management KPIs of your processes and operations with SAP HANA. The 360-degree view makes it easy for you to understand the bottlenecks and take appropriate measures at the right time.

Analyzing the KPIs over a period, say weeks, months or years, you can learn about the industry trends and discover new means of pushing the limit of customer acquisition, service, and brand loyalty.

Be an Active Social Listener

Whether it’s their moments of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, customers are likely to vent out their experiences in social discussion. And, their interactions make a significant impact on your sales and marketing endeavors. Word-of-mouth does wonder. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers prefer recommendations of family and friends over an advertisement.

Get insights into customer sentiment and interests from their social media activities and engagements. With effective and real-time social listening offered with SAP HANA, you can decode the expectations of customers and provide them with a better product or service.

Run Loyalty Programs

Building a healthy customer base isn’t easy! Surely, you deserve a pat on your back when you have a loyal customer base to count on. It’s time to reward your customers, retain them and turn them into brand ambassadors. SAP HANA powered customer relationship management platform helps you leverage the goodwill you built with your customers. Run and manage engaging loyalty programs and create relevant experiences. Your customers will feel proud to be connected with you.

Become a trailblazer or stay as a follower – the choice remains with you.